The Canadian Yachting Association has rebranded itself as Sail Canada and has revamped its old curriculum. This new set of programs places more emphasis on long term sailor development and less emphasis on 'passing' a level. Also, you should be aware that if a student has taken classes and received certificates under the former White Sail/Bronze programs that you should subtract a number as Sail Canada has introduced a certified Wet Feet program that replaces White Sail I. Therefore, if a student has a White Sail I certificate, he/she would register in CANSail I and so on.
Our sailing instructors are all certified under the rigorous professional standards set out by Sail Canada as well as holding Emergency First Aid (at a minimum), VHF radio licenses and a PCOC card. We are very pleased to have a set of such promising instructors on our staff this year. Their goal is to ensure students have a great time on the water while learning the joy of sailing.
We are offering several non-certified programs as precursory to this full set of skill-focused programs this year in an effort to attract new students.
Please be advised that in order to progress through various levels of the curriculum, more than one week of programming is advisable, particularly for CANSail 2, 3 and 4 and Chutes and Wires. Students are awarded certificates based on performance at the instructor's discretion.
Wet Feet (usually 8 to 10 years)
An introduction to sailing in a comfortable and safe environment. Students will learn to be comfortable and safe around boats and learn correct fundamental movement and build overall sport skills.
CANSail I and 2 (usually 10 to 12 years)
Learn to Sail Fast and Learn to Train. These programs are intended to enhance basic movement skills through sailing and other complementary sports. There is a refinement of singled-handed boat handling and technique for speed.
CANSail 3 and 4 (usually 13 to 16 years)
These programs introduce advanced sailing skills, refine racing techniques as well as optimize class-specific skills. There is also an introduction to program and campaign management by mandatory participation in regattas.
Chutes and Wires (usually 14 to 17 years)
These programs are intended for those students who have shown extensive knowledge of advanced sailing skills and racing techniques and who are ready to move on to learning body movement and sail trim using trapeze (wires) and spinnakers (chutes). There is also a mandatory participation in regattas.